


王让会教授领导的科研团队,近年来系统地研究了该热点方向的相关问题,并取得了若干进展:(1 气候变化背景下,西北地区极端气温、极端降水和干、湿事件发生的不确定性增加;多种要素对西北地区作物生长的影响进一步复杂化,并直接影响着农业气象灾害的特点和时空发生规律。(2)基于AONAOMEIPDOWPSHIINHPVII等大气环流指数与区域干旱/湿润演化特征之间的耦合关系,确定了影响西北地区气候的主要大气环流类型;可为农业气象灾害预警研究提供借鉴。相关研究成果发表在Natural HazardsInternational Journal of BiometeorologyTheoretical and Applied ClimatologyEnvironmental Earth Sciences等学术期刊。研究获得中国科学院先导专项XDA20030101-02)、中国清洁发展机制基金(2013013)、国家科技支撑计划2012BAD16B0305, 2012BAC23B01)的资助。


Li, C., Wang, R., Xu, J., Luo, Y., Tan, M. L., & Jiang, Y. (2018). Analysis of meteorological dryness/wetness features for spring wheat production in the Ili River basin, ChinaInternational Journal of Biometeorology62(12), 2197-2204.

Yelin Jiang,Ranghui Wang,Qing Peng,Yanlong Guan,Husen Ning,Cheng Li.(2018).The relationship between drought activity and vegetation cover in Northwest China from 1982 to 2013.Natural Hazards,92(1)145-163.

   Li, C., Wang, R., Ning, H., & Luo, Q. (2018). Characteristics of meteorological drought pattern and risk analysis for maize production in Xinjiang, Northwest China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 133(3-4): 1269–1278.

Li, C. , Wang, R. . (2017). Recent changes of precipitation in Gansu, Northwest China: an index-based analysis. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 129(1-2), 397-412.

Li, C. , Wang, R. , Ning, H. , & Luo, Q. . (2016). Changes in climate extremes and their impact on wheat yield in Tianshan mountains region, Northwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(17), 1228.